--We love a sneak peek inside a Broadway
dressing room. Anastasia's Max von Essen recently
welcomed us to his digs at the Broadhurst Theatre to show off some of
his favorite things including fun fan art, great gifts, and
environmentally-friendly finds. Take a look. --Hey guys! Welcome.
One of my
favorite things I keep in my dressing room some of the fan art we get. This is just
a little sampling because truly we got so much from our incredible fans that it
would be impossible, like I would literally plaster my whole room. But these
right now are just a couple of my favorites and I'm just kind of obsessed
with. We get so much and it's all so cool, but these are these I'm featuring right
now cuz I love them.
--This is a bowl that actually my
boyfriend gave me as a gift, and I know I. Look I just so drawn to it. He knows and
I'm super into like I don't know just being green and recycling he things, and
he found in a shop. We don't know exactly where it was made in Africa, but they take
all these wires from phones and different electronics and then these
people actually weave these baskets together with wires from electronics.
I don't know, it's just kind of a nice reminder for me to like remember that
things can have another purpose and things can you can discover a new way to
use something that might have been discarded before. So I don't know. I love it. I just think it's so beautiful.
So I've got these bamboo utensils that I
got from the Broadway Green Alliance, although you can get them pretty much
anywhere online or or you can go right to the BroadwayGreen.Com. I keep in my
dressing room and then I toss them in my bag to slit wherever I go I never have
to use plastic utensils or anything in anywhere so. Just imagine like every day
never using a plastic utensil again. Or chopstick.
If you couldn't tell, if you don't
know me, I'm kind of into art in general. A And I like to keep things around that
either just like inspire me or I love that get me in the mood for the show or
just something I love to look at. And these are two of my favorite pieces I
keep in here. The top one is actually was a gift from William Ivey Long, who's a
good pal of mine.
And my school that I. Went I went to college at University of
North Carolina Chapel Hill, where William went to, and I was actually honored by
the school last year, and William spoke on my behalf and said
some really beautiful things, and presented me with this beautiful
painting he did. And this is a vintage map of Russia that I found, actually just
on Etsy. It was like $10.
It's out of a book from the 1880s, but um I had it framed.
It's just something. I didn't want to go crazy, my room get all like you know
Russia and get all themed, because I. Don't know how I'd feel about all the
time. But it's just as one thing I kind of can look at right before the show or
just have a sense o, and know that it existed, at this time period.
That some
it's something like my dad could have given to me at this time period. And so
it kind of it's just something that very quickly like inspires me and puts me
right in place for the show. So I love it. And, this last thing, a good friend of
mine gave me to celebrate my opening on the show.
These nesting dolls of actually
of the Romanov family, which I think are that's so cool. They're so pretty, all
hand-painted from this store in New York if I never realized Saint Petersburg New
York, I think it's called, down on lower Fifth Avenue. And it's just like so
gorgeous. And just keeps going.
First is Czar Nicholas, I think. I don't know who
they all are, but I just think they're so, so cool, so beautiful. They just like keep
going. It's one of those like small things that I can just like look at and
feel, and get a sense of like the period and what would what we're dealing with
in the show, and just just like the map of Russia.
It just kind of gets me in the
mood. So I love this gift from a good friend of mine. --Well you guys, thanks so
much for checking out my dressing room and seeing a couple of my favorite
things here at the Broadhurst Theatre. And come see us in Anastasia! .
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